Cursuri disponibile

With the modern world which is becoming more aware of the environmental impacts of the clothing industry, new challenges are the efficient use of raw materials, water, energy, chemical substances, less CO2 emissions, and carbon footprints, to protect nature and prolong the garment lifecycle as much as it is possible. In this dynamic world, designers/ engineers must know how to use IT solutions to create and produce fashionable and sustainable items with a high level of quality and at affordable prices. Based on its competencies, technical knowledge and research activity and results in the field of the clothing industry, the TUIASI team will develop course contents on digital garment pattern making and product development on the online open-source platform with the collaborative efforts of partnership.

Cursul de asamblare a mașinilor și tehnologiilor în 5 limbi europene diferite (engleză, germană, cehă, poloneză și română) pentru studenții universităților partenere este dezvoltat de ITM, TU Dresda în cadrul proiectului E-DRESS. În acest curs special, metodele interactive și noile ilustrații grafice vor fi folosite pentru a crea conținuturi de curs interactive pentru cursanții săi, pentru a explica mașinile și mecanismele acestora. Vor fi pregătite conținuturi de curs adecvate pentru învățarea online și mixtă pentru studenți.

The course of production organization and logistics will be prepared with the mutual effort of the partner organization in multiple languages. Students, as well as people interested in doing business in clothing, do not have enough know-how in costing, resourcing, and production systems in the clothing industry. The developed courses in collaboration with partner institutions will provide open access to the latest digitally adapted educational content to provide quality digital education and the necessary skills to either join a textile company or even start their own business.

Basic knowledge on comfort of clothing usage

In this course, the data regarding Intensive Moodle Training held at ITM, TU Dresden on 26.09-29.09.22 will be stored.